Armina elongata
The living animal is red in color with white longitudinal notal ridges. The anterior margin of the oral veil and the apical portion of the rhinophores are also white. The body is elongated, flattened, and narrower posteriorly. The notum bears 24 longitudinal dorsal ridges. The oral veil is distinct and has two large, tentacular lateral extensions without any projections. The extensions are as wide as the notum. There are two club-shaped rhinophores, each one with about 20 vertical lamellae situated on a dorsal notch. The radula formula is 26 X 33.1.33 in the holotype. The rachidian tooth is narrow, with a long and pointed median cusp, and bears approximately 20 thin and elongated denticles on either side of the median cusp. The genital opening is located on the right side, slightly posterior to and below the branchial lamellae. The anal papilla is located behind the midpoint (2/3 of total animal length, from the anterior end of the body). There are 22 branchial lamellae and 23 large hyponotal lamellae on each side of the body.
This species is only known from the type locality, off Manaure, Colombia
This species lives on substratum with corallinacean algae and gravel (22 m depth).